2017 -> ongoing
Concept and development: Sandrina Lindgren
Music: Antti Tolvi
The following people have contributed to various parts of the project:
Oona Leino - visual artist, Pia Bartsch - costume designer, community artist, Jussi Virkkumaa - photographer, film maker, Ville Kurki - dramaturg, Riikka Kosola - choreographer, Jarkko Forsman - lighting designer, Linda Björkqvist - dancer, Annastiina Saastamoinen - dancer, Ville Oinonen - dancer, Myrsky Rönkä - circus artist, dancer, Jouni Järvenpää - dancer, chreographer, Fanny Ambjörnsson - social anthropologist, Kendra Wilson - researcher, translator, Maria Laitila - performing artist, Johanna Latvala - puppeteer, scenographer
Main producer is Grus Grus Teatteri, collaborating producers in connection to specific events have been Ehkä Tuotanto, Barker Teatteri, Turku Dansart ry, Läntinen Tanssin Aluekeskus.
Household Dance Protocol/ Hushållets Dansprotokoll/ Huushollin Tanssiprotokolla (HDP) is an artistic and interactive project that investigates the relation between dance and household work. The projects activities forms a playground that can inspire its participants to explore household work and its relation to dancing. By doing this we hope to awaken reflections on the status of physical labour and on the use of body in every day life.
Between 2017 and 2019 HDP has realized:
-household workshops
-an interactive sound installation
-talks and meetings
From 2020 HDP offers the workshops "Vacuum cleaner Yoga" and "Dish'o Dance" for order.