Sandrina Lindgren

built with Indexhibit

I am a dancer and choreographer working mainly within the fields of visual theater, site specific theater and dance. I am approaching the human body as a phenomenon and material, no matter if it is in motion or not, no matter of it is athletic or lazy, old or young. Sometimes I am on stage and sometimes I create and direct, many times I do both, my artistic interest is centered around the significance of the phyiscal body for human experience.

I have a BA from the modern dance department of the Amsterdam University of the Arts from 2010. I have also studied choreography at The School For New Dance Development in Amsterdam and visual theater with Clipa Theater in Tel Aviv.

Since 2024 I am part of the artistic planning group of the bilingual nomadic theater Henkinen lentoyhtiö - Grus Grus Teatteri. Grus Grus Theater consists of artists with professional backgrounds in theater, dramaturgy, dance, film, puppetry and circus/clowning. Grus Grus Theater's ambition is to put the artistic vision first and produce daring cross-disciplinary and intelligent theater works. We work mostly site-specific.

My movement language and artistic expression is influenced by my studies in contemporary dance, object theater, choreography as well as community art and site specific art. However I prioritize a unique scenic language for each production just as I observe how the body is constantly moving in relation to the people, the materials and the surrounding environments in real life. My work is striving to stand in dialogue to that reality rather than forming an isolated dance technique.

I am born in Sweden and have lived abroad since 2006, first in Germany, then in the Netherlands and shortly in Israel. Since 2014 I live in Turku, Finland.

The black and white photos of me are taken by Madeleine Atterhem